Editor Presentations:
“Can the American Electioral System Be Fixed?”
The Independent Institute
Oakland, California
February 6, 2001
“Entrepreneurial Economics”
The Independent Institute
San Francisco, California
March 2, 2001
“Immigration and California”
Little Hoover Commission, State of California
Sacramento, California
May 24, 2001
“Arguments for Federalism”
Hastings Law School, University of California
San Francisco, California
September 20, 2001
“The Effect of Electoral Institutions on Tort Awards”
Program in Law, Economics and Institutions, Boalt Law School, University of California
Berkeley, California
October 29, 2001
“Entrepreneurial Economics”
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
San Jose, California
January 25, 2002
“The Safety and Efficacy of the FDA”
Department of Economics, Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, California
March 7, 2002
“The Safety and Efficacy of the FDA”
Department of Economics, Claremont-McKenna College
Claremont, California
April 29, 2002
“Entrepreneurial Economics for Fun, Profit and a Better, Freer World”
Foundation for Economic Education National Convention
Las Vegas, Nevada
May 3, 2002
“Public vs. Private Law Enforcement: Evidence from Bail Jumping”
Department of Economics, George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia
May 20, 2002
“Entrepreneurial Economics for Fun, Profit and a Better, Freer World”
Foundation for Economic Education National Convention
Las Vegas, Nevada
May 3, 2002
“A Public Policy Perspective on the FDA via the Anomaly of Off-Label Usage”
Center for Business Intelligence
Washington, D.C.
October 22, 2002
“The Economics and Ethics of Immigration”
Debate with Daniel Griswold against George Borjas and Peter Brimelow
American Cause
Washington D.C.
October, 2002
“Public versus Private Law Enforcement: Evidence from Bail Jumping”
Department of Economics, University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
February, 2003
“The Food and Drug Administration, Economics of Price Controls, Economics of Prohibition”
Institute for Humane Studies
Annapolis, Virginia
June, 2003
“Entrepreneurial Economics”
Junto of New York
New York, New York
October, 2003
“The Fugitive: Public versus Private Law Enforcement”
California Bail Agents Assocation
Reno, Nevada
October, 2003
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